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I can not emphasize how important this is to the health and well-being of you body and mind to keep an orderly home. I don't usually begin here with people, with people, but I think it needs to be Numero Uno on the list of things to do to change your life. This is secret tip number 5, in the long list of 100 tips I am going to share from my years studying natural health, and herbs. (20 now!) veCleaning out clutter, is a touchy subject, it may be even more touchy than cleaning out the fridge. Telling or gently suggesting someone change their food choices is always a topic, I want to avoid, and talking about cleaning out their clutter, is way up there on the list of non-receptive topics with people.
I would say that for me, that I am somewhere in the happy middle, as far as having things organized, clean and cleanly but not so orderly that we can not live comfortably in the house. I have a distaste for clutter, and routinely clean house, donating what we do not need. I also have a rule for myself, that if a bunch of items come in, the same amount needs to go out. For instance, I was recently gifted 2 large trash bags of clothing (all nice) from a family member. (Hand-me downs are appreciated). In turn I cleaned out all of our closets, and drawers to find the same amount to donate. This little principle works great for me! In my studies as an Herbalist- I heard Dr. Schulze speak about going to his clients homes, and these were clients with grave illness, and filling trash bag after trash bag of junk. (With their reluctant consent). I say reluctant, because it can be hard to part with things, especially if you have never done so before, but once you do it, you will find a thousand pounds is lifted from your shoulders. I have never literally done this with anyone I have worked with, but I really wanted too! Many of the people I have helped with herbs, and have been in a bad way health wise, have had homes packed with possessions. Moving around was near impossible, cleaning properly, again impossible. Going in a home like that, I feel a constriction, a tightness in my chest, like it is hard to breathe. Living like that every day, must certainly diminish oxygen levels, as deep breathing feels stymied by clutter and dust. There is an emotional component that plays into hoarding, or collecting that is difficult to get a person to break. In most situations, I think fear comes to play where there is a fear of not having enough, and so a person collects more than they would ever need and thus feels an illusion of safety. Cleaning out a home, is like pruning the branches of a tree gone wild with growth. Once that pruning is accomplished, the tree has air, and sun, and the birds come, and the soil is freshened and the tree can thus bear fruit. It is near impossible for a person to bring forth the fruit that God has created you to produce, in an environment that needs some deep cleaning, and extensive pruning. Maybe you are not as extreme in your collecting habits, or haven't filled your home beyond livable circumstances, but maybe there is a small area that you are saving, and squirreling away. Take a look at what you are holding on to, it may be affecting your health. I know that for me, when I got married, I brought a slew of items into our house from friendships and relationships. That may sound shockingly normal, and I wish that I did not have as they call it "baggage." It took me years to realize that these items, these possessions, these attachments were in the way of making new bonds and attachments with my spouse. Once I freed my home of old pictures (and most of these things were in storage), and old memories... I opened the door for a fresh new relationship with my husband. I love doing a spring cleaning each year, and cleaning out the items with holes, or broken parts, items that no longer serve. I especially love donating or giving away items I loved, but do not need anymore so someone else can be blessed. There is a definite feeling of completion and cleansing when you do a purge through your home. |
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