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God is the True HealerThoughts to consider: "God is the Healer and the physician is the agent." (Taken from an article written by Stephen T. Newmyer called, Asaph's 'Book of Remedies': Greek Science and Jewish Apologetics). Let us look at the definition of physician. There are three definitions that I found online at 1. a person who is legally qualified to practice medicine; doctor of medicine. 2. a person engaged in general medical practice, as distinguished from one specializing in surgery. 3. a person who is skilled in the art of healing. Let us look at this definition- "A person who is skilled in the art of healing." If I were to interpret this- God is the healer, and a person skilled in the art of healing is the agent. I am technically not the healer. I am using God's healing herbs. I am researching, studying, learning and trying to understand what He has made. I am an agent, as are others who are have developed skill in the art of healing. Exodus 15:26 (NIV) 26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” I have grappled with this tenet of the bible from Exodus 15:26 "if you do such and such, pay attention to His commands, and keep all His decrees" God promises to keep way the diseases he brought upon the Egyptians. This verse brings me to this place where I have found myself many times. I have tried to obey all God's commands, and His decrees, but nonetheless- I am a sinner and during times of sin, I have found myself physically weak. Sometimes it takes months to figure out an area of sin, and to repent of it. I should have said years. Sometimes it takes years and years to have one's eyes opened to an area of sin. In that time, sin causes illness in the body. Sin is error. It is not the "way" God created us to be. Jesus came to save us from our sins. He does not save our physical body, but our spiritual body. When we exist in this place of having our sins forgiven, prior to a place of being delivered, I see God's herbs, and plants as a grace and mercy. The closer my walk with God- the better I have found my health to be. I feel more I am healed, in the physical and emotional sense. It seems to me a process of revelation and healing. At least that is what I have experienced in my walk with God. I have been supernaturally healed of areas of sin, or forgiveness, or pain, or worry and at the same time, found illness passing away. This process has been a layering and unfolding and I have found my health better and stronger, but yet we age too, the body always working towards entropy. It is such a bewildering topic to explore. If I had not have had God's plants in the depths of my messes, I would have become so terribly ill. I am grateful that we have a merciful God, and I see His herbs as a mercy. YET I always want to remember though the blood of Jesus covers my sin, and God does not see my sin. I rely of the the blood. However, the wages of sin are death, and when I am in sin, and I mean really in sin... you know the dark side before revelation makes you aware, and you translate to a higher place with the Lord. The herbs keep my physical body strong. They don't save my soul. Jesus does that. My belief in a savior saves my soul, but my physical body is strengthened with His creation, while I fumble in the darkness. |
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