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Set the Right Images in Your MindYou want to feel better? Make more money? Have the love and life you want? You need to set the images in your mind. Subconscious controls everything! EVERYTHING! The way you were programed, and are continuing to be programed controls your entire life. You want different results, you need to set different images in your mind, coupled with feeling. Feeling is the vehicle to drive those thoughts into the subconscious. "The future must become the present in the imagination in the one who would wisely and courageously create circumstance. " - Neville Goddard (courtesy of Jake Ducey. Great thought leader of this millennial generation. The Secret Law Of Attraction - Jake Ducey Maybe I should tell a story. I can use my own example to help you to realize how to apply these thoughts to your own life. I have wild ideas. I have crazy ideas. Ideas that are out of this world. My imagination is lit up. I credit this to voracious reading as a child. My father was school teacher, and a brilliant one at that. He was no ordinary man, and no ordinary teacher. He changed people. He changed lives, and he was a proficient and detailed man of the written word. He collected hundreds and hundreds of books of various genres, especially science fiction and other fictional topics related to historical based truths. Books were my incubator of inspiration and teacher of imagination. I have had ideas and plans and thoughts that I feel must not be in an ordinary mind. I believe anything is possible. I believe in miracles. I believe in healings. I believe if we can think it, we can make it happen. It shocks me that people can call on the name of God and read the greatest spiritual book ever written, but understand or believe nothing about miracle or miraculous. Where did our imaginations go? Are we letting too many people tell us how to think and we do no thinking on our own. It amazes me and excites me that we can create- literally create any scenario if we think upon it, and meditate on it, mixed with emotion. The trouble is, that most of us meditate or think on fears. We mull fear around and around in our minds. We develop and invent scenarios of catastrophe, and calamity. We imagine the "worst." Why do our imaginative powers work so well for the dreaded things of life? Why is it so hard to imagine only the good? I am not sure why- but I do know the bible says this: Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." I think that the above is the most beautiful verses, and one of the most important biblical passages. How often does that phrase apply? How many times do we stop ourselves from love and good fortune? We are not victims of circumstance. Let me repeat that, we are not victims of circumstance! Although we have no control over our birth and the family of our upbringing, we have control now. You may tell me a long list of things you do not like or do not want in your life, and I say...... RECREATE IT! Start imagining what you want instead. Start allowing your mind to think about what you really want to do with you life. Start imagining friends that are really loving and supportive. Imagine older mentors that encourage and uplift. See yourself in the body and experiencing the health you desire. It all comes down to discipline. Neville Goddard said something like this- all that people lack is creative imagination and discipline to imagine. (I am paraphrasing).... but here are some other Neville Goddard quotes that are gold.
Just meditate on that last quote. "Each person is born with infinite power.....against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance." Can you believe this statement? If it is the first time reading it you may be very skeptical. In fact the world has been set up so that you DO NOT know this. We are in the 'pickle' we are in globally because people do not understand this. We have infinite power.
You may look around you and say, "how can I have that power?" My circumstances do not preclude that statement. Maybe at this moment, but this moment is just a moment. It is a slice of time in the space time continuum. All that you ever wish or desire or want to be already exists. It already exists, it's just a matter of aligning with that vibration of what you want to be. How do we get there? We get there through our imaginative power. Can you day dream? If you can- you can imagine. Think of a world imagining a fair and free world. Imagine how God wants to use your life to be of benefit to the world. Then start following the signs. Things will begin to open up before you. A book will come into your possession, or a blog page, a video, a person, a circumstance. The Universe will start to bring to you what you imagine. (The same thing happens if you imagine bad circumstances. This is a scary thought!) SO USE YOUR IMAGINATIVE POWER FOR GOOD. Maybe I should define good, because some people think they are doing good, but are not. What you desire can not infringe upon the rights of other individuals. It is not good if you imagine helping others through stealing (taxing) another group. The end does not justify the means. You cannot infringe upon a person's natural rights. These our rights from God. The right to pursue happiness, the freedom of speech, the right to own property. All of these are examples of natural rights. Rights established by government, often go against natural rights and are subject to change by the persons in charge. God never changes. He is the I am- the rights He gives us a natural citizens are permanent and constant. So if your desires align with the natural rights God gives to His Creation- than by all means imagine a way to bring about some goodness in your life and the lives of others. Herbs are a funny business. There is no hiding behind the natural. The natural exposes things for what they are. Maybe that is why more people reject natural healing, than embrace it. Most people want to hide behind the metaphorical and sometimes physical mask they have created. To be exposed and to be seen as we are is very scary, but it is the only true way to being free and naturally healed as a soul. We are not here to perfect our physical bodies. I am not opposed, at all, to taking care of oneself, but the obsession with perfecting something that perishes, is a foolish exercise. I hope that word is not too harsh. Foolishness is defined as "a lack of good sense or judgement." It is a lack of good sense to worry about and try to change our outsides, while ignoring a swirling storm on the inside. Do you know that the more you work on your inner character, your spirit self, that the more beautiful your outsides will be? I want to jump for joy at how free I feel in my own skin. My skin has not been cut and pasted, and shaped and puffed up. Freedom is embracing yourself and feeling so good as you are. This peace comes from a deep well of acceptance of all of me, that includes all of my mistakes and all of my errors, my history and life. I love love love to see a confident older woman embracing their gray hair, wrinkles and smiling or laughing, exuding confidence. May we all desire to give our best selves for the younger generation. I know for me, I grieve at the whisperings I hear to turn us into some sort of partial technological being with science. A combo person does not sound natural, but many people have already agreed to this. They have agreed by deciding that who they are is not enough. Oh my heart goes out to the world. In my video below I talk about how you can't hide behind herbs. Herbal or Natural walks are ones designed to be authentic. You have no choice but to be authentic. Our whole premise is the root, the wholistic being, what is mind, body and spirit. Truly we are Spirit- in temporary physical bodies. We are here to transcend limitations, and I believe give to others from the well-spring of our deep acceptance of who we were created to be. I love this verse. 💜 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Many times in my life, I rested on this verse, on this promise. When decisions "feel" beyond my control. When I momentarily find myself agreeing to something I would rather not, I remind myself of this. I have seen this promise, fulfilled over and over. It does not mean I won't feel some pain, loss, or sadness, but I have seen many a situation turn around for the good, or a better than I expected by believing in this verse. You can watch my video as I talk a little bit more on this topic:
God Uses All Things to The Good.....![]() This evening, I found out that our state of Pennsylvania is going into a further lockdown mode again, right before Christmas. My first immediate reaction is a blood-boiling spike of adrenalin. Ok- wow that sounds bad? Right? It makes me angry on so many levels. For one- I am upset that so many people gripped in fear over this virus. I do not mean to diminish their reality, but in my reality I am not afraid at all. I guess I have an unusual training, but The School of Natural Healing in Utah, really prepared me for all sorts of life "issues," so to speak. Having a large family, there is always someone who needs extra tending. I also live in a very religious area, where many of the people gravitate to plant medicines, and I have helped quite a number of people in my community over the years with various things. I have seen plants work time and time again, but always coupled with a good and sound dietary plan. Diet is key, and we know that obesity and heart disease is rampant in America. Since all of this 2020 stuff started, I would go to the grocery store, and see people buying so many terrible foods, yet wearing a mask, and from what I know about diet and health- yes, I can see why you may need to wear a mask. The thing is though- if you eat an unhealthy diet over run with sugars and starches, and processed foods, and sodas, you may always need to wear a mask. That does not mean that those of us who know about health, and nutrition, and diet, and exercise, and plants need to be under the same restrictions, and punishments, does it? I really am failing to see why all of us need to be under the same restrictions for those who do not know how to take care of their body. It is a shame, but maybe much more than the majority do not. Plant medicines, knowing the land, living off the land, and taking care of oneself is a lost art. From cradle to grave we are invested in a hospital, or most of us are. Most people do not even consider another way. And I am so grateful for the emergency services provided, but day to day prevention and just wellness is sorely missed in our culture. I am not sure how we lost touch with our true nature, are true selves and who God created us to be, but we have. So as I sit here this evening, after having calmed myself down, I think.... "God, or The Divine, whatever you want to call the all encompassing life force that Created us all, He works all things to the good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose." If I am really honest, I have to say that I have enjoyed this year of breaks. Breaks from sports, breaks from too much gathering, breaks from spending, breaks from activities. It was almost like a year when I was pregnant. You nest, and learn many spiritual lessons. Spending lots of time at home, with nature, I have really dug deep with God and His Divine wisdom. Although I am in the flesh not wanting to abide to more restriction, I have to believe that all this will be worked out to the Good. Hopefully I will be a part of that good, sharing what little herbal and wellness nuggets I have to share.
Grief- When you Miss a Loved OneMy dad passed in March this year, after fighting Cancer for 9 years. He was a fighter. He fought his entire life. He never quit. In fact in his bedroom he had a picture of a stork trying to eat a frog and the frog was choking the stork. The picture said "Never Give Up!" That was my dad. When he passed I was so shocked, because he wasn't ready to go. His mind was still sharp, and he most definitely wanted to live. I was not ready for him to go either. I am still deeply saddened and shocked at the loss. He was too strong to pass on. My dad was strength. He was a rock of a person. Many people depended on him, and looked up to him; and turned to him for advice. I honestly am still angry at times, that he is gone, and that he had to leave this world, at the young age of 72. That sounds so terribly young, as it is 32 years away from my age. I am angry that my children do not have a grandfather that they loved. I am angry that the entire dynamic between my family is no longer the same, at all. My relationship with my mother is totally different, and their home is different. Everything is different. Change is suppose to be good- right? I do like to change, and grow, but not so much when it is forced upon me. Mourning the loss of my dad has been the most difficult, non-choice change of my life. I want to cry, scream, and even at moments I feel conflicted with happiness. Everything I am feels like it came through lessons from my dad. He was a teacher, and he was always teaching. Consequently I am passionate about teaching, learning, and growing. Oh the lessons I wish I could teach my younger self. Many of him most important lessons came in his years with Cancer. Life was so precious to him. Everyday he tried to put on joy, even though he must have been in a lot of pain and suffering. As a recovering alcoholic he did not want pain medication or anything to numb his feelings. He felt everything through radiation, chemo, and the endless Cancer medications. Yet I didn't know the extent of his suffering. Was that a blessing? Was he protecting all of us to his own hurt? "Oh dad, how could you leave me here unprotected?" Or at least that is how I feel. I feel like my protection is gone. He was the dragon slayer, the defender of the weak. He stood for truth and righteousness. He was ready to pick up his sword to keep back the enemy.
The bible says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for My Strength is made perfect in weakness." How weak I feel right now. I know this is a passing feeling. I do not always feel this way, but the waves of weakness can come upon you suddenly and they are usually before or when you take a big step of faith. This past week I took a huge leap of faith with my business as I get ready to start my own Herbal Store here on my website with my herbal tinctures, teas and salves. This has been a long time coming, and a large investment. I am confident, but nervous and I have noticed during these big steps, the enemy tries to make us doubt. He often uses people "open to his promptings," to work against us. This week was a week of such things. It made me miss my dad so much, for he fought many of my battles. Thank God though that I have a God how knows my weaknesses, and He is the one I really need to turn to for strength. Not sure if this post will help anyone. It was something I wanted to get out, and felt prompted to share into the Internet blogosphere, with the possibility that it would touch someone else. As I finish typing. I must say I feel better. This is a lesson in and of itself. It important for your well-being to let your feelings come up and out. Stuffing them down, is detrimental to your health. Likewise dwelling on the pain can be counter productive, so as I let this come to the surface, I know I must put the good things inside the space that is created by this release. I choose to dwell on the promises of God, and the Universal truths that cannot be destroyed. Matthew 6:19 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal."
Following Your IntuitionThis post is much more than herbs, although intuition combined with herbal practice is highly effective. I want to focus on intuition, or spirit. Is your spirit awakened? Do you know you are spirit? You are not really your physical body, but a spiritual being in a physical body. We are here temporarily but our spirit is permanent and long lasting to eternity. The bible tells us to care for our "house," because it is the home of God. Our bodies are important and are vehicles that take us where we want to go in life. God asks us to care and many scriptures refer to that care of the physical, but I want to remind you that you are not just what you see with your eyes. There can be a lot of answers in the still, quiet moments of life when you ask God and the Universe to show you the answers you seek. In the business of daily living, it is near impossible to get the answers you seek. You must stop and slow down and sometimes unload a little before the answers come. I am going to give you three tips that I implement to get the answers I often need to keep me on track and moving towards the goals and plans for my life. Tip 1: Sometimes the first step is to unload a little. I am not supportive on long complaining sessions, and rehashing issues over and over, or dwelling on past hurts. I am for writing some of your thoughts down, even some ugly ones so as to not suppress your feelings. Then, you must quickly turn from those thoughts. Often times I erase them, or throw them away, or even burn the paper I wrote them on. I believe more firmly in writing down positive thoughts, but you can not just bottle up some of the negatives. If you are upset about something. Write it down. Sometimes the answer comes by releasing it. Tip 2: Go outside, and spend time alone in nature. Nature is my favorite teacher. I have learned so much from my time spent outside. The key though is to be quiet and alone. Cutting the grass, playing games, or spending active time with others, can be great exercise but it is in the quiet moments with God and nature that answers often come. This may be difficult to arrange. I know it is for me. When I was young, pre-kids, I would go on long walks communing with nature, crossing streams, listening to the trees and plants. Now it is difficult to carve out 20 minutes of that precious time. I make an intention though to find it almost every day. Tip 3: Although I do not advocate staying up late in the night, there may be times when you go through some restless nights where spirit may be trying to communicate with you. Instead of tossing and turning, or putting on an electronic device, open your mind to what the Universe may be saying. I think more than receiving answers in nature, most of the answers I have sought came in dreams at night or when I wake up, unable to fall back to sleep. Instead of fighting with myself, I will go somewhere quiet, and read, or write, or look up at the moon, and pray and the things I have been questions, or fears I have let set in my mind- are erased in the special moments with God.
Those are my 3 main tips for allowing your intuition to take over. Intuition is nothing more than learning how to hear from the Universe and from what your body is telling you. This ability is sharpened, through practice. See if you can implement some of these tips today. Blessings to you.
God is the True HealerThoughts to consider: "God is the Healer and the physician is the agent." (Taken from an article written by Stephen T. Newmyer called, Asaph's 'Book of Remedies': Greek Science and Jewish Apologetics). Let us look at the definition of physician. There are three definitions that I found online at 1. a person who is legally qualified to practice medicine; doctor of medicine. 2. a person engaged in general medical practice, as distinguished from one specializing in surgery. 3. a person who is skilled in the art of healing. Let us look at this definition- "A person who is skilled in the art of healing." If I were to interpret this- God is the healer, and a person skilled in the art of healing is the agent. I am technically not the healer. I am using God's healing herbs. I am researching, studying, learning and trying to understand what He has made. I am an agent, as are others who are have developed skill in the art of healing. Exodus 15:26 (NIV) 26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” I have grappled with this tenet of the bible from Exodus 15:26 "if you do such and such, pay attention to His commands, and keep all His decrees" God promises to keep way the diseases he brought upon the Egyptians. This verse brings me to this place where I have found myself many times. I have tried to obey all God's commands, and His decrees, but nonetheless- I am a sinner and during times of sin, I have found myself physically weak. Sometimes it takes months to figure out an area of sin, and to repent of it. I should have said years. Sometimes it takes years and years to have one's eyes opened to an area of sin. In that time, sin causes illness in the body. Sin is error. It is not the "way" God created us to be. Jesus came to save us from our sins. He does not save our physical body, but our spiritual body. When we exist in this place of having our sins forgiven, prior to a place of being delivered, I see God's herbs, and plants as a grace and mercy. The closer my walk with God- the better I have found my health to be. I feel more I am healed, in the physical and emotional sense. It seems to me a process of revelation and healing. At least that is what I have experienced in my walk with God. I have been supernaturally healed of areas of sin, or forgiveness, or pain, or worry and at the same time, found illness passing away. This process has been a layering and unfolding and I have found my health better and stronger, but yet we age too, the body always working towards entropy. It is such a bewildering topic to explore. If I had not have had God's plants in the depths of my messes, I would have become so terribly ill. I am grateful that we have a merciful God, and I see His herbs as a mercy. YET I always want to remember though the blood of Jesus covers my sin, and God does not see my sin. I rely of the the blood. However, the wages of sin are death, and when I am in sin, and I mean really in sin... you know the dark side before revelation makes you aware, and you translate to a higher place with the Lord. The herbs keep my physical body strong. They don't save my soul. Jesus does that. My belief in a savior saves my soul, but my physical body is strengthened with His creation, while I fumble in the darkness. |
AuthorJenel Schaffer Videos on YouTube Archives
December 2024
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