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Why Are My Herbs Not Working?I wanted to address a question or concern that the herbs you are taking may not be working, or seem to be taking a long time to work. There are a number of reasons that this could be so, but I want to look at 2 big reasons. The first is that the herbs you are eating, or taking, or applying topically are of inferior quality. Unfortunately this happens a lot. My personal favorite way to "use" herbs is to grow, gather, and collect my own plants, dry them and make medicine from them. The next best method, is if you have a friend, or community Herbalist who is doing this and you get your herbs from them. If you buy herbs in capsules in bottles, you have no way to be sure that you are getting a great product. Of course you could go on the recommendation of others and what has worked for them, but just remember by the time you buy a bottle of capsules, the herb has gone through a lot of processing. Even a great herbal company will lose some potency and effectiveness in the herb just through process. The best way to preserve is drying immediately and saving the dried herbs as tea, or fresh wilting them, and turning them into tinctures for long term preservation. I do recommend Mountain Rose Herbs as a reputable herb supplier, and have a banner below for their herbs. I also like many other small farms that grow and make small batches of herbal products, like Free Verse Farm in Vermont. I hate to say it, but stay away from big chain store brand herbal products. I do not want to name names, but if it is a box store, don't get your herbs there. The second main reason your herbs may not be working, is that your mind or your thoughts are working against the herbs. Herbs work. They work so well that if you give even small amounts, of safe herbs to a child or even a pet, the herbs know what to do, and work on fixing a problem. The child or the animal has no preconceived thoughts, fears, doubts or troubles and when they take the herbs that are given to them by a trusted person, the herbal medicines do their job. If you have suffered from some sort of chronic or long term affliction, you will have built thought patterns of doubt, disbelief, frustration and even skepticism of ever really getting well. So you may take handfuls of herbs every day, and your subconscious mind may be working against you actually getting better. If you are one of these people, and you find yourself frustrated with your results, and lack of progress, you will want to get to the deeper level, the subconscious level of the mind and "reprogram" your feelings about wellness. I am going to have to say that this is going to be difficult, at first. Your conscious mind will reject the new programming. If you have been afflicted for years, there is a lot to undo. The trick, or technique I am going to suggest will feel uncomfortable and very hard, at first. If you can continue though, on a daily basis, you will find that you are making progress at a faster and more successful rate. I learned about these techniques from a motivational speaker, Jake Ducey. He is not an Herbalist, but I apply much of his teachings to my herbal practice. The best time to do what I am going to suggest, is right before bed, when you are relaxed. In fact, you will definitely want to help relaxation by doing something with herbs. Burn a smudge stick of Mugwort, put Lavender on your pillow, drink a cup of chamomile tea, take a few drops of Valerian. Or you may need to do all of these things to relax before this exercise. Then you will lay down in bed, with the lights low. I don't want you to fall asleep yet. Resting, say to yourself, "I am healthy." You can do this out loud, or in your head. As you say it though, you need to visualize, or imagine a picture of yourself, as a healthy self. For instance, I see myself leaping through a sunny field, almost floating through the grass, smiling, feeling free, and wonderful. If you have been sick for a long time, this will be most difficult, but give it a try. Imagine yourself as the healthy way you want to be. You can be anywhere, doing anything, but really get into the feeling of it. FEEL it happening, see it with your mind. Repeat "I am healthy." For the first night, do this 5 minutes, and then go to sleep.
It is really important to be in the feeling of health before falling asleep because this will carry into the deeper parts of your mind, as you sleep. When you wake up, I know you will feel better than ever. Then throughout the day, when you feel tempted, or frustrated again. Remember that feeling of health and the visual you created for yourself, and tell yourself again, "I am healthy." Continue with this exercise every night, maybe extending it up to 10 minutes before sleeping. Do this as long as you need to see the results you want to see. I cannot tell you how long, but it will be different for each person. I think for myself, I did a certain visual for at least a few months, maybe up to 6 and then as if peeling the layers of an onion, I would "work" on something else. I still do this technique before bed, as I am wanting to manifest other things in my life, and I know that it all starts with how our subconscious mind has been programmed. I could go on an on about this, but I will say that I had to do this to see my own personally healing. I actually said "I am healthy, wealthy and wise," as my little mantra. I said it over and over, and really felt it. I have seen my health increase many times over, and the wealth of our household. Wisdom- well lets just say I have always been wise.😉 Photo credits for this post, |
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December 2024
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