My Herbs Blog |
You Need to Decide to be WELL 1:100I am an Herbalist- I study herbs and have used herbs and food as medicine for the last 20 years. I am not a doctor. The information I will share here is based on what I have learned from 20 years of trial and error, study and experimentation. Some things may resonate with you and other things may not. My journey has led me to be 100% devoted to herbal medicine, but that does not mean your journey will lead you to be. I have not been in a void though- I have turned to many guides, Chiropractors, and Natural Doctors, and the Holy Spirit to learn what I have learned. I hope to teach you to love your body, love plants, and trust. I have been making videos, a sort of collection of "How To's"- How to make tea, How to make Tinctures, How to this, How to that... and I realized that there is some other information that is more valuable, the information that I didn't really read about in books, or that was not told to me directly, that I had to discover as a series of revelations. I decided to start a series of blog posts, and videos sharing 1 of those secrets each day, (or every other day) depending on how organized my schedule is. For today I wanted to start with this first lesson. It was by NO means my FIRST lesson, in fact it was perhaps 8 years into my journey before I discovered this lesson. I think it was after I heard Gary D. Young (found of Young Living) speak in New York. I honestly only remember one line from his speech and it was this. He said that when he worked with Cancer patients, they had to journal and the first question he asked them or had them journal about was "When did you decide to have cancer?" Wow! Did I hear him correctly? Decide to have. This might cause many to be angry. We have been taught by media and culture that disease is indiscriminate, like a predator, waiting and lurking to attack. I remember thinking that the unlucky or unfortunate got ill, and that you had no choice if your genetics decided to "give you" a disease. Now I am not talking about children born will illnesses, but there are many aspect of family genetics, and nutrition, lifestyle choices that we make that will affect our progeny, without their consent. We are all born with some weakness (inherited). Some much more than others. I personally have a family history of bowel disease, heart disease, skin issues, eczema, diabetes even Cancer. I remember a number of years ago when both my parents were going through Cancer treatment, and I was terrified. Terrified for them, terrified for myself, terrified for my children. I remember thinking- this is not my inheritance. I WILL NOT accept this as my inheritance. At that time I was really struggling with my own health. I had numerous food allergies, and constant bowel distress, body stress, fatigue, and emotional strain. BUT- I decided. It was in the fall, and it was over a series of months of prayer and deep thought, and study and I decided. Not ME! I will be healthy. I will be healthy. I will. I want to say I willed myself to get better and that was it. I did in part will it. There were many many things I did, and I will be sharing them every day. Health has to be a series of decisions made over and over and over again. Repeated decisions of health and thoughts of health and choices that lead to that result. It has to be, because otherwise, what kind of life do we live where evil is visited upon us without any choice. So when I am working with people in my community and my family with herbs, and they are not getting results, or the wellness they desire. The question has to be asked. "Is there programming here for the opposite of wellness. Do they believe in their core that they deserve to be healthy, or that it is even possible?"
I am here to say that it is possible to believe that health and wellness is a state you can be in. I am not saying that you can be PERFECT and I will talk a lot about perfection. I am not saying that you can cure all disease, especially if you have progressed too far in the opposite direction of optimal health. I am saying though that you can get to a place in your thoughts that you believe and have decided that you will be healthy. We are all winding down to a time of death. It is inevitable for all of us. Our bodies are physical and we are spirit. Our spirit will go on, and our bodies perish. You can not will your physical body to last forever. You can decide though, the mind frame that you will live with during this life, and the more positive it is, the more your physical body will thank you. |
AuthorJenel Schaffer Videos on YouTube Archives
December 2024
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